Have you had one reallyyyyy old pin giving you all the traffic for years and feel like it’s a total waste? Maybe it’s even a weird, horizontal iPhone photo that you have no idea how it gained so much love. Here’s how to revamp that viral blog post pin:
First of all: this is SO common
Second of all: this is NOT a bad thing
2. Create new content that supports that post or would interest those readers and point them to that new content in the old, viral post. I usually recommend you create a graphic with a hyperlink that says “want to learn more about x? check out this blog post about x.” I think that’s more likely to get clicks than a link buried in the text.
3. Make sure your affiliate links are up-to-date on that post or add some. Even if this is way off topic for your current business, why not make some income from the people you are still serving with this post?
4. Use that popular real estate to get them into your world more permanently. Entice them to join your email list with a post-specific-opt-in. We want them to come back for more rather than just pop in for that post & leave. This cold audience can warm up reallll quick if you give them more helpful content and better serve them.