When it comes to my wedding blog (@theinternetsmoh), I just do not have the time to spend on it this season. There have been seasons where I was on it with my email newsletters, daily instagrams, Facebook engaging, etc, but I’m surely NOT in that season now… I have a 5 month old baby, 15 clients, 2 team members and barely 25 hours to work each week. Here’s why having a Pinterest Strategy is a great way to go if you want to work smarter, not harder.
So when it comes to marketing content (especially on a site that’s evergreen, full of affiliate link and that sells a passive product), I have to have strategy that is
1. Simple
2. Repeatable
3. Automatic
That’s why I literally only use Pinterest (that I set up 2 years ago) and have consistent 3K+ new eyeballs on the site/month, daily newsletter subscribers and a sweet lil’ passive income check hitting my bank account every month. How much time I’ve spent in the business since baby girl was born: 0 hrs 0 mins.
When I get past this new-mom-season, I will get to go back to my blog and have a community waiting for me. One that I get to both serve well and sell products to. Until then, I will just keep patting myself on the back for making sure I had a baller Pinterest strategy since day 1 that now runs itself.
If you’re ready to put in the work to have a simple, repeatable, automatic and EFFECTIVE marketing strategy, that means you’re ready to dive into Pinterest by either:
– DIY-ING: learning about it from an expert and letting her (aka me) support you as you set up your profile and implement your strategy aka get it done in 3 months and well
– OUTSOURCING: hand over your profile to have it completely created, set up and managed by a pro aka get it done in 1 month and well – DM me