Okay, hopefully ya’ll have seen this already because Pinterest has been killing it with the 2021 content, but either way I wanted to throw my two cents in about the “Pinterest Moments Planner.” As a marketer, I always have to think about myself as a user on the platform. How do I use it, when do I use it and why do I use it?
Pinterest users are planners and they plan for “moments” big and small. They plan for holidays, dates, dinner parties, weddings, travel, lifestyle changes and so much more, and they start their research MUCH earlier on Pinterest than other platforms.
It’s where they go when they’re in the first initial stages of planning something important. I’ve used the platform most when I am PLANNING (a meal, a birthday party, my Christmas decorations, my wedding, a DIY Halloween costume, etc). I have used it to find inspiration for how to reuse things I own or inspiration to purchase things I need to make these MOMENTS come to life.
That means that content creators can get their posts, products, and services seen early in their planning journey. This is crucial because content creators have a chance to connect with their ideal readers by providing value and support through important moments when they need it most (not when they’ve already planned the whole event).
Here’s what it looks like from the Pinterest user’s perspective:
How have you used Pinterest most especially when you actually spent $$$ or found a new brand because of it? I’d love to hear!