The scary part about being a creator isn’t that this industry is going to disappear one day or even that IG will disappear one day (though sure, that’s frightening too). The scary thing is when you rely on one marketing channel and you no longer have that marketing channel to find new people and connect with the long time fans.
No, you don’t need to be constantly creating new content for every new platform that exists, but you also can’t solely rely on Instagram to grow your community.
Pinterest builds in security because it’s a way of finding new people that you’re not already reliant on. In fact, our team’s whole purpose is to send people off the platform quickly to a blog where our clients can capture these new people in a real and long-lasting way (email subscribers being the #1 way) but also spreading them throughout social platforms too. Keeping them connected and continually coming back for more and keeping new people coming in through ANOTHER door.